If you have an idea which you want to bring into the real world, using our CAD service will make the process easy. From a simple sketch with a few dimensions, we can take your sketch and turn it into a working 3D model. This will not only help see how your concept will look in the real world, but will highlight any errors in the function and operation of it. Meaning no costly re manufacturing corrects as it can all be done on CAD



If you have a part which needs repaired, re produced or modified, the 3D scanning service if what you need. We can scan a part of component accurate to 0.05mm to real world dimensions. We can scan the part or component and create what ever you need in your CAD software. From engineering drawings, 3D model or carry out re engineering, we have you covered.



Part of our CAD software is the simulation feature. We can put your concept through its paces to see if it will withstand its real world environment. Whether it be thermal stresses, pressure or load bearing stresses, we can apply these to your design and give detailed feedback. This allows you to see if the concept will work or not. If not, we can advise what need to done to bring it back into the design criteria to pass your requirements.